Sustainability with style
On the go, stylish, and with clear conscience- the new Le Crobag thermos cups make it possible.
Enjoying the coffee or ones favourite hot drinks on the go, and with a clear conscience is now possible. Our thermos reusable cups keep coffee etc. warm while one is out and about, and they're not just environmentally friendly but also très chic.
Stylisch breton stripes or fashionable lozenge patterns - our thermos cups are unisex and timeless snazzy for everybody. Our favourite accessory is also an eco- and resources-friendly alternative to the one-way paper cups.
Oh là là... the first brewed coffee size M is for free if you buy our thermos cup.
When you take your own reusable cup or the Le Crobag-thermos cup to the participating stores, you will get a 10 cent discount on your hot drink order.
Et voilà, the en route, eco-friendly, and en vogue pleasure!
The thermos cups are available in participating shops for only 9,99 Euro (incl. brewed coffee size medium for free) and have a capacity of 310 ml.
The following Le Crobag-Shops sell our thermos cups (State: February 2018):
Berlin (Underground station "Alexanderplatz" (at line U2), Station "Alexanderplatz" (at line U8), City train station (S-train) "Alexanderplatz" (on the wail to suburban/city trains), Station "Alexanderplatz" (tween deck), City train station "Charlottenburg", City train station "Greifswalder Straße", City train station "Hardenbergstraße/Zoo", Underground station "Hellersdorf", City train station "Köpenick", Underground Station "Leopoldplatz" (at line U9), City train station "Neukölln", East Station", City train station "Ostkreuz", City train station "Prenzlauer Allee", Underground Station "Richard-Wagner-Platz", City train station "Schöneweide", Station "Südkreuz", City train station "Tempelhof") Chemnitz Central Station Darmstadt Central Statoion Dessau Central Station Dresden Central Station Halle Central Station Hamburg (Station "Altona" (in the basement and at the long-distance trains), City train station "Bergedorf", Station "Jungfernstieg", Underground station "Landungsbrücken", Nikolaikontor, Station "Sternschanze") Innsbruck Central Station Karlsruhe Central Station Magdeburg Central Station Mannheim Central Station München (Central Station and East station) Münster Central Station Nürnberg Central Station Rostock Central Station Saarbrücken Central Station Siegburg Central Station Wien (Central Station and West station) Würzburg Central Station